Astrodestiny series
Astrodestiny is a series of digital artworks inspired by the movement of celestial bodies and the wonder and mystery of space. Taking cue from astrology, astrophysics and humanity’s long interest in heavenly bodies. Space & the astral bodies that inhabit it have spurred countless mythologies from antiquity and continue to inspire awe through the possibilities of the multiverse.
Astrodestiny taps into the imaginative possibilities of other worlds and dimensions that may perhaps be accessed via space travel, ingestion of psychedelic substances & even deep meditation. The artist draws from his own inner world and synthesizes an array of hallucinatory visual compositions that envision what visual forms these other worlds might take.
The False Layers of Reality (2023), digital artwork
Wavelength Commune (2023), digital artwork
The Realm of Eternal Euthymia (2023), digital artwork
Reverse Pathways (2023), digital artwork
Astrodestiny 7.3 (2023), digital artwork
The Nth Dimension (2023), digital artwork
Symbolic Portals (2023), digital artwork
Tesseract (2023), digital artwork
Aural Flux (2023), digital artwork
As Above, So Below (2023), digital artwork
Astrodestiny 3.4 (2023), digital artwork
Astrodestiny 2.1 (2023), digital artwork
Astral Projection (2023), digital artwork
Refraction of The Human Soul (2022), digital artwork, exhibited for Balai Seni Maybank's Light & Dark virtual group exhibition
Vibrational Shifts (2022), digital artwork, exhibited for Balai Seni Maybank's Light & Dark virtual group exhibition
Coagulated Time (2022), digital artwork, exhibited for Balai Seni Maybank's Light & Dark virtual group exhibition